Sept. 1, 2007 Minutes                                                                                                                        

U.S.S. Brooke Association

San Francisco Reunion Minutes – September 1, 2007

Meeting was opened at 0800. There were 27 members present.

Financial Report was read by Steve Hunt, Secretary/Treasurer.

Steve reports a possible post-reunion balance of $2500.00 to $3000.00.

Tom Adametz, our President and Web Master, reported that he was re-designing the Website in the next few weeks.

Next item was a discussion of our newsletter vs e-mail.  Newsletter still a valuable tool and should not be replaced by e-mail alone.  Not everyone has e-mail.

Old Business:

   USS Brooke Plaques were to be researched by Gunther Neumann.  Tom A. stated he would continue research.   No other old business.

New Business:

   Buddy Harris presents info on our 2008 reunion cruise.

   Questions included dress, drinks, accommodations, etc.  7 day cruise out of Galveston, TX, beginning Sept. 28th, 2008.  Del Turner offers another travel company, AAA cruises, as an alternative.  Buddy states he will research and find the best deal for our association. Passport discussion by Jim Hanna.  Must have for cruise.  Motion by Paul Strawbridge to vote for the 2008 cruise.  Seconded by Buddy Harris. Vote taken and passed by 24 yeas. 3 members not voting.

Next item: Reunion location for 2009:

Discussion was on Reno.  Daytrips, tours, hotel friendly, etc.

Motion by Dan Durniak for Reno for 2009.  Seconded by Steve Hunt.  Vote taken and it was unanimous for a Reno Reunion.

Report on ConFams by Steve Hunt.

Discussion on Emergency numbers (ice) on Registration forms for our reunions. Great idea.

Election of Officers for 2008-2009:  No new nominations. Motion made by Del Turner to retain all the present officers for the next two years.  Seconded by Paul Strawbridge. Vote was taken and there were 24 yeas and 3 nays.  Motion passed and all officers were re-elected for two more years.

Last items:  Video archive by Scott Youngren.  Scott provided 10 videos (DVD’s) from Charleston, S.C. which  are available in Ship’s Store for $15 ea.  In effect, Scott donated $150.00 for the good of the association. We have sold 6 as of today.

Refunds were made for those who missed the boat tour.  Bus Tour company provided wrong boarding time, 1600, and cruise company had us board at 1530.  Eight missed the tour and were refunded their ticket price from our general fund in cash.

Also refunded full tour price to J. Bracamonte (check) as the Bracamontes could not be accommodated on bus or the tour boat USS Potomac in Oakland.

Banquet dinner commencing at 1800.

Meeting adjourned at 0913.
